Monday, August 6, 2012

mazda cars Video: Driver Reigns In His Out-Of-Control 900-Horsepower Miata

There are some videos that are flat-out awesome and there are others that you can’t help but watch and just say “dayum, that was sick!” The above video just so happens to be a card-carrying member of the latter group. As a fellow Miata owner, I am slightly biased here...
This dude not only dropped an RB26 engine from a Skyline into his second-gen Miata, but he also pulled off one of the most bad-ass saves we have ever witnessed. This Miata launches from the starting tree and all is well, as it pulls away from its competitor until suddenly the back end of the Miata starts wagging its 900-horsepower tail all over the track.
The quick-acting driver manages to pull the reigns on this wild ride and get her going straight again. After all of that the Miata still crossed the finish line in just 16 seconds, which is faster than the majority of the cars on the road today.
The video ends with the guy operating the camera catching up to the slick driver and asking him what happened. It turns out that the car overheated and popped a freeze plug, which caused the coolant to spill all over the track. When you mix any liquid, especially coolant, with slick tires and 900 ponies, you are definitely in for just a little bit of tail action...

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