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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Roadster rendered Lamborghini Aventador

Just a few days ago, made his debut Aventador Lamborghini sports coupe is already an artist to make the other versions. What we see is a version of the roadster Aventador, and we like what we see. But do not get too excited; roadster version of the actual production is not expected before 2014.

Aventador roadster roof, except that the engine cover and is adapted to the Roadster Coupe version of the style is similar. I am absolutely meotjigu rendered, and the two tones and a smooth, luminous white pearl black / white leather interior, it shows.

Aventador 700 horsepower and torque / ft 479 pounds with the production of a 6.5 liter V12 AWD new layout is driven by the engine. The top speed of 217 mph and 8,250 rpm redline, the engine while allowing 2.5 seconds to hit 00 ~ 60 mph. 1575 kg total weight, the ratio of 2.25 ㎏ / HP will provide power to weight.

Bentley Supersport watch with Light Body

Bentley Continental Supersports in the UK, the company said the market is the most impressive models. Breitling watch what the car said the same impression that is not surprising. Watch comes with ultralight titanium case and is about 45mm wide. It is available in red and black motif starts at Baselworld 2011.

New Breitling for Bentley watch complements the design of the convertible is a powerful Supersports. The lightweight, rugged, titanium chassis, its "dashboard-style" dial, three, ringed by the counter Bentley improved general style bezel with raised knurled motif, Supersports limited series of sophisticated high-performance coupe, light vehicle body end.

As a tribute to its sporting qualities, Breitling minute and a central generally read as a one time has elapsed hours and minutes to be read using one with twin hand-tote, very intellectual and proprietary dual-counter system is equipped with a standard time clock.

أودي2011 a1 'هناك قوة واحدة عن طريق سباق Pogea

وقبل بضعة أسابيع ، و اشتعلت علي مرأى من ترقية لطيفة سباقPogea للسبورت باك A7 أودي ، التي يطلق عليها اسم حتى بمودة ، 'الخطايا السبع'. كذلك من ينظر الى الامور ، انها بداية لتبدو وكأنها سباق Pogea تحاول من خلال تشغيل سلسلة كاملة من طرازات أودي بعد ضبط الشركة برنامجا ترقية منفصلة لأودي A1. اسم هذا البرنامج؟ في 'وقوة واحدة. جذاب.
تركت الجمالية وترقيات الأيرودينامية القيام به على A1 في الحد الأدنى مع Pogea اختيار لإضافة بعض البنود ، بما في ذلك مجموعة من أوز خفيفة سباق العجلات Alleggerita سبائك HTL التي هي ملفوفة في رياضة ET35 راسل 3 اطارات كونتيننتال. وفضلا عن ذلك ، Pogea أيضا أن أضيف نظام العادم الجديد الذي يأتي مع بعض مداخن العادم ليزر 76mm يتوهم المحفور.

من حيث الأداء ، وهذا هو المكان الذي لم ضبط شركة وطأة عملهم. برنامج سباق Pogea لضبط لأودي A1 يأتي على مرحلتين المرحلة الأولى مع زيادة انتاج السيارة 122 حصانا من الأسهم و200 نيوتن متر من عزم الدوران إلى 156 حصانا و 266 نيوتن متر غضبا من عزم الدوران. محرك المرحلة الأولى أيضا ترقية المطبات والسرعة القصوى إلى 152 ميل في الساعة. وفي الوقت نفسه ، المرحلة 2 الترقية لا تحصل على أي تحسينات في الأداء. بدلا من ذلك ، يضيف Pogew سباق إضافية الهواء والتبريد وتكييف إلكترونيات ، جنبا إلى جنب مع ملف جديد ، على تعليق من كيلوواط ومجموعة من أقراص الفرامل بريمبو مع مثقبة.
وقال جميع ، و 'لقوة واحدة' على ترقية إلى A1 يبدو ممتع خارج السلاسل. الدعائم اضافية للدواليب المرضى أيضا.

Aston Martin DBX ... Design study for a car test

Due to the Aston Martin unveiled the new car (Virage) at the Geneva Motor Show this month.

During the busy company is preparing for this event, there were two young men from Poland working on a study design of the car Aston Martin DBX, which I talked about the company name only in 2007 Kmodel future proposal to compete with all of the Mercedes-SRL and the Bugatti Veyron, but the DBX has never become a reality not The name is used to denote the true model was produced.

It is noteworthy that Aston Martin has not commissioned by the two young men develop the design that we see in the pictures, they were the work of the study design to test a new car bearing the name of DBX personal effort on their part.
The idea is to design a sports car luxury just two pools of features and profiles taken from all models of Aston Martin earlier, led by car One-77 as a major source of inspiration, a version of Super limited produced from the company's 77 units only, has been sold at the price fantastic.

The One-77 powered powerful 12-cylinder with a capacity of 3.7 liters and the power of 720 hp and a top speed of 220 miles / hour.

Designers did not mention any data about the type of engine test new DBX or strength, but they confirmed that the engine will be installed in the middle of the base car.

Experts believe that if he can put two young designers to imagine the engine DBX, so superior in strength and potential to its counterpart in the One-77, Aston Martin was considering to convert the design into reality in the case presented for its implementation.

Test of the Honda car change color automatically

Of all the new technologies designed to make changes to aesthetic and practical cars in the future, occupies techniques to change the color and appearance of the car outside the first center of attention intheautomotive world, followed Frames aircraft engine and the speaker then the possibility of Sir fuel made of hydrogen by 100%.

But copyright is not expected to see any of those techniques previously mentioned have been applied on the ground commercially in the near future.

But through the auto test designers may seek to experience some of these technologies of the future, as did the designer of the new car Honda Native test implemented severe lightweight and equipped with technology Alfoto Cromek that allow them to change color automatically.

These car test innovative electric motor draws its energy from the batteries made from lithium-ion high capacity.

For an extra touch of increase is characteristic of this new test car, the designer chose the severity of a light aluminum for the implementation of the cabin interior, and furnished meters innovative form works with modern technology and touch screen controller.

From the outside appearance of the car seems to Native Honda test car like the famous Volkswagen Beetle.