Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Luxury car sales in India rise 70% .. And the increasing demand for delaying the delivery dates

India is a viable market for luxury car manufacturers are clearly visible from higher sales of this category of cars by 70 per cent in 2010.
Industry observers say that the luxury car market in India growing at a rate of not less than 25 per cent annually, but this figure does not include many of the companies luxury cars, such as «Mercedes» and «BMW» and «Jaguar» and «Land Rover» and «Audi», because they are sold at prices lower than other super-luxury cars, such as «Rolls-Royce» and «Ferrari» and «Lamborghini» and «Bentley».
Company «Rolls-Royce» luxury models that offer such «Phantom» and «Ghost» and «Drobhid» and «Phantom Coupe» sold more than 70 vehicles in India last year, according to a company statement. It is expected to contribute to good economic growth, driven by the huge amount of investment injection by several international companies over the past few years, a clear increase in sales of luxury cars in India by a large margin. This growth is boosted by requests for rich India, whose numbers swelled in 2010 to 130,000 millionaires and 69 billionaires.
The company plans sports car maker Swedish «Queenigsg Otutumatev ABN» it to put India in a number of outstanding cars and high performance. It is expected to ask the company, known Bmahrkadtha large and designs that stand out, in a market in India, soon, model «pawn», which is being sold at a record of between 96 and 100 million rupees. And the entry of this company which produces luxury cars to India would be through the company «Intrglob Enterprise», based in Delhi, by shopping at the same time, low-cost cars such as Indigo, under the banner of «Intrglob Aviation».
Will be the company «Queenigsg» among the last companies world-famous entering the Indian market, having preceded the competitors in this sector, such as «Bentley» and «Bugatti» and «Lamborghini» (all owned by the company «a Volkswagen») and «Porsche» and «Rolls-Royce».
The «Bugatti» has occupied the headlines of newspapers of India in October (October), when asked her car «Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport» most expensive car sold in India, reaching a price of 160 million rupees.

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