Saturday, March 5, 2011

Test of the Honda car change color automatically

Of all the new technologies designed to make changes to aesthetic and practical cars in the future, occupies techniques to change the color and appearance of the car outside the first center of attention intheautomotive world, followed Frames aircraft engine and the speaker then the possibility of Sir fuel made of hydrogen by 100%.

But copyright is not expected to see any of those techniques previously mentioned have been applied on the ground commercially in the near future.

But through the auto test designers may seek to experience some of these technologies of the future, as did the designer of the new car Honda Native test implemented severe lightweight and equipped with technology Alfoto Cromek that allow them to change color automatically.

These car test innovative electric motor draws its energy from the batteries made from lithium-ion high capacity.

For an extra touch of increase is characteristic of this new test car, the designer chose the severity of a light aluminum for the implementation of the cabin interior, and furnished meters innovative form works with modern technology and touch screen controller.

From the outside appearance of the car seems to Native Honda test car like the famous Volkswagen Beetle.

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