Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rebel Attack: Greenpeace Uses The Force Against Volkswagen

So this morning I checked my Twitter feed for more VW stories and came across a tweet from about a campaign by Greenpeace to steer VW away from the Dark Side. I fondly remember the wonderful VW ad for the new Passat in America with Lord Vader Jr. It was a hugely popular video that went viral and it boosted VW’s image.

However, I am more interested in the ads themselves. Who knew Greenpeace had a sense of humor? The ads are both really cute, especially the second one, as the victorious rebel force celebrates by dancing in sync, much like a music K-Tel Mini Pops video. The music they are dancing to is from the bar scene of first Star Wars movie when Obi-Wan and Luke are having a drink at the bar. A great bit of parody.  

I blogged yesterday about VW trying to engage its fans in helping to make the next commercial in its series “Drive Until.” I found this to be a good approach to winning fans and more adherents to the VW brand. It’s a great way to interact with the VW buyers and keep the company image nicely burnished.

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