Friday, August 10, 2012

SSC Tuatara vs. Bugatti Veyron: An Automotive David vs. Goliath

When we decided to pit the two top supercars against one another, the list had to include the Bugatti Veyron, the Goliath of the supercar world. Its competitor, on the other hand, wasn’t nearly as clear cut, as there are numerous cars that you can match up against the Veyron and get a good fight.
The first one that we looked at was the Hennessey Venom GT and its 1,244-horsepower V-8. In all honesty, the Hennessey just feels more like a kit car to us, thanks to its Lotus Elise base. Granted, that’s one bad-ass, Bugatti killing kit car, but it still just didn’t feel right to us.
After spanning the globe trying to find a good competitor, we ended up right back in the U.S. with the all-new SSC Tuatara. This limited production supercar definitely has the power to handle the likes of the Veyron on paper, but we really need to dig in deep to see what really happens when we put them up against each other.

ssc tuatara vs. bugatti veyron an automotive david vs. goliath picture

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