Thursday, August 16, 2012

Porsche Ads Reveal a new Roadster, but Only in London...

Ewe no, their are thymes when a spellchecker is in order and advertismenting sumthing is Juan of them thymes. Their’s not much worser then misspelling the nayme of the pro-duct you are saling. Welp, it looks like Porsche has decided against spell checking its ads.
Okay, we’ll stop now... but seriously. Every single Porsche Boxster billboard ad in the great city of London has a glaring error in it. It’s missing an “S,” so the sports car is now known as the "Boxter." Granted, the pronunciation is exactly the same, but the spelling is simply horrendous.
Really, how in the world does a professional advertising company, which we only assume Porsche uses, misspell a key word, like the product’s freaking name, on a slew of billboards? To boot, how exactly does Porsche not catch this before having the billboards installed? Yeah, accidents happen, but that’s fine on a single small ad somewhere, not on billboards all across London.
An ad campaign of this magnitude has to cost a load of money and if the ads are up, it means that Porsche apparently approved the final proofs. So the question is how did Porsche approve botched proofs or did the ad company misprint them when they made the billboards?
We tried coming up with a department to call in Porsche’s operation to find out whose error it was, but we came up empty. We are sure that within a matter of days these ads will be fixed up. It’s still worth a good laugh.

porsche ads reveal a new roadster but only in london... picture

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