Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My new RX Cadillac for 2010

Cadillac seems to be  going to go style checksum Brovuk  belongs to the sports car category of small multi-purpose to the production stage to be the first models of the company in 2010.
It is the scene with the start of production processes that the new model carries a different name for a  Brovuk to be my motto `` RX ``.
The Cadillac has put forward in Detroit the last two models Achtbarien Liqya acclaimed by visitors ¡first known as the `` C `` T S Coupe and the other Brovuk.

Has been the recent announcement that first-class `` C `` S T will begin placing on the market with the possibility that bears the name of `` C `` T C.
It is expected that the manufacturing model is `` X `` NPR on the production line style of your `` Theta - Epsilon's `` for `` ¡`` GM is also set manufacturing model `` 9-4 `` for `` SAP `` on the same production line, which was also Ktraz test in Detroit.
The magazine `` `` Ootwooik via its website that both of my models `` RX `` and `` will be `` Saab 9-4 Tsniehma in the assembly unit of General Motors for `` `` Zamos Orizb area in Mexico.

With regard to the technical card for this model ¡are expected to be provided with the same engine used in the model of `` C `` T S, which operates with a 300 hp direct injection system is composed of 6-cylinder-shaped `` in the `` capacity Alltre 3600 cc.

Also working Engoa manufacturing production in the united company on the development of diesel engine capacity of more than 200 cc Alltre for this model ¡However, it is likely to put this option in the European markets only.
Despite the atmosphere of mystery that still takes my style `` RX `` ¡However, it seems that it is expected that a model that many of the features of `` test `` Brovuk

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